Monday, January 10, 2022

Tennis updated (CX200T and PS97)

 Cut the prince syngut duraflex on my CX 200 Tour 16x19 and strung it with gamma syngut 17g at 50lbs. Test it on Friday and could not lay it down, won a set, it feels great not as stiff as the prince one. I produce an ace too.

On Sunday, brought the CX 200 Tour 18x20 by mistake, though strung with babolat syngut at 52lbs 2 years ago, it has harden and not flexible. Felt very different compare to the freshly strung 16x19 version. However, got a win with it while playing with a younger heavier hitter opponent. Overall, the CX 200 Tour is definitely a great racquet. Then finished it off with PS97 when playing a lesser opponent. The string had stiffen and felt very boardie, no power.

In terms of dead string: it may be ok for hitting as long as you hit dead center, other than that ball goes flat. The string I had on the 18x20 was almost 2 years old.

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