Sunday, October 11, 2020

Balancing Hot Melt 200G and CX 200 Tour

I added more lead to the CX 200 Tour and put it to the test at Friday night on the indoor court where ball slides hard. Played with HM 200G first and then try the CX 200. The verdict is that, the CX still lighter than the HM but not as lopsided as before. 
The HM is very good with groundstroke but feels heavy when serving, CX 200 is easier on when serving without as plow through. Sunday morning where I played outdoor, I test the CX 200 again. Played 4 sets doubles, winning just 1; was playing easy but the opponents coming out hard and played against higher rating opponent. 
Verdict is that the CX 200 Tour leaded up does not need high swing speed, you can but the weight is already there unlike before the lead.

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