Monday, November 30, 2020

Pro Staff 97 v10 current set up

Been using this racquet since early 2017 and bought another one in 2018. I changed the grip with leather grip last year because the original has frayed. From my posting in 2019, it mentions that the racquet was softer than SOT and it was started to send shocks to my arm. Replaced it with leather grip, got better control from the bevel feel, uses multi on both racquets and got less control, change one back to prince syn gut 16g at 55lbs. After a month long hyatus due to pandemic, back with it and got wrist pain. Two causes: tight string and (prob) bad technique of wrist lag. Changed my technique now and change the grip. The racquet now uses synthetic grip, thin overgrip, and long dampener. Now, mostly use this racquet on indoor court where the ball slides more; this racquet fits well on terms of power and weight. To compensate the weight during serves, raise both hand the same time, dont use modern technique because the power is already there.


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