Tuesday, December 26, 2023

My dad sports: tennis and soccer

 My dad always had tennis racquet around. I never saw him play (maybe once) when I was in early elementary. His tennis racquet were Wilson Pro Staffs, hammer, mostly Wilson. He bought me and my brother Donnay when we were junior. My brother played tennis better when we were little, he was stronger because older. I played tennis in high school with one of his racquet, Pro Staff Ultra 95 tapered beam. Beside tennis, he also played soccer, a goalkeeper. When I was in junior high, saw him played as striker and scored a very good goal, faking and rounding a goalkeeper. His soccer shoes were copa mundial size 7.5 which I used in 9th and 10th grade before they got stolen. I remember when I asked for the copa, he said not the la plata shoes. The la plata shoes were there but in a bad condition with soles about to break to pieces. I should have save the laplata shoes.


Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Weekend update: 1st week Dec 2023: T100-2, TR96-3

Played once with MT on Monday. Played a single and two doubles sets. Single super-tiebreak: 10-7 vs Bntg with TR96. Doubles: 6-5 T100 (Bntg vs Fjr-X) and 4-6 TR96 (X vs Fjr-Jet). All players are of upper intermediate level. 

Then hitting out with Y player with TR96. The TR96 performed well but slightly low heft and underpower however the comfort was good, no arm pain.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Weekend update: 3rd week November 2023: TR96, T100, CX18

 Played on Friday and Sunday.

On Friday played 2 sets. First set 6-0 (Dd vs Ar-Ah) with CX18, one of the opponent was a beginner. Second set 6-7 (Ar vs Dd-Hn) trailing with CX18 the switch to TR96-3 to tied at 6-6, we made a lot of UE.

On Sunday played 4 sets: 4-6 (Mk vs Hm-Rh) with TR96-3 we were playing for fun, 6-3 (Iw vs En-Bd) with T100-3 a hard fought battle after opponent adjusting to our game, 5-6 (Rh vs Ny-Mk) T100-3 another fun game tied after a hard game, 5-5 (Dn vs Iw-Ny) T100-3 where we trailed 0-4 before changing our strategy (from Dn upfront to me upfront because the opponents like to lob us or aiming weak volley).

Racquet review: CX18 a nice racquet (harder than TR96), TR96 (harder than T100), T100 (fit outdoor court)

Pic 1: me, Iw, En, Bd

Pic 2: En, Rh, Hm, Mk, Bd, me, Iw 

Monday, November 13, 2023

Weekend update Nov 2nd week 2023: TR96, T100, RadOS-LM

Played doubles games in Friday and Sunday and practice with family on Sunday afternoon. 

On Friday brought two of TR96s, the L3 felt better for control. Lost both games 3-7 (Ar vs Fh-Ad) and 4-7 (Fh vs Dd-Ad). 

On Sunday played 4 times with T100-3 except for first set: 6-3 (Bd vs Hr-Rh), 6-0 (Ny vs Dn-Bd), 6-3 (Ww vs Iw-Dd) and 3-6 (Ny vs Bd-Dd). 

The highlight was with Ww vs Iw-Dd, a strong opponent.

Then practice with family.

Also, bought Zildjian low-volume cymbals.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Weekend update: 4th week October 2023: TR960, T100, others

 Played 3 times. 

Friday played 3 sets all with TR96-L2 7-3, 7-4, 5-7 (Fh vs Dd-Ad). The TR96-L2 played well, easier compare to L3 due to lower static weight (I changed the L3 to follow this setup).

Sunday morning, played one set only 6-3 with T100 (Hr vs Dd-Rmt). On paper we were stronger but opponent can be better.

Sunday night practice with families, brought sorts of racquet but for low ball practice uses T100L which has easy swing speed.

Sold my ATS 98, it has a high swing weight and am fit better with TR96.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Weekend update October 3rd week: T100 and TR96

 Played two times this weekend, friday and sunday. Friday all with TR960 7-2, 7-3 (Fh vs Hn-Dd), and 4-7 (Dd vs Fh-Hn). On Sunday 6-2 T100 (Gt vs Dd-Op) and 4-6 TR96 (Iw vs Dd-Ny). Iw borrowed mine T100 and am stuck with TR96 which is harder to play on rough outdoor especially against moonballer due to low power.

TR96 with new lead set up produces low but heavy spin balls (maybe). 

As info, a friend borrowed the T100 and afterward the strings are still straight meaning that probably he did not produced a lot of spin, compare to me which always straighten them after several hits.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Weekend update: October 2nd week 2023

Played once this week on Sunday. Played 2 sets: 6-2 (Opa vs MS-Budi) with T100 and 2-6 (Don vs Iwn-Wwn) with TR96 and T100. The second set opponent were stronger than us though we had a change.

The current TR96 set up are lead 2g at 12, 2g at 3&9, leather grip. The frame felt powerful, less spin, but less control. The set up now added 1g to 3&9 for total of 3g. Swing felt better but need to try it.

Bought a head liquidmetal OS, shall see how it compare with IG youtek version. There is something special with this OS with such thin beam.


Wednesday, October 04, 2023

zildjian k custom 16 ride

 So, I used to have this one, I thought it was a crash but then read https://black.net.nz/avedis/NAK.html and realised I had 16" k custom.

No wonder, I had trouble crashing with it which I thought was too heavy for a crash but too unstable for a ride.

I also had the same K custom in 20 inch which has strong hammering  technique.


Weekend update: 3rd and 4th week Sept 2023

Played 3 times: friday at senayan, thursday at KBI, and friday again at senayan.

On friday (pic 1): playing outdoor with T100 and TR96. T100 felt better with wind and not fresh balls. Train a player beginner serve. Set results: 5-7 (jf vs hr-dd), 7-4 (dd vs fh-dj), singles with fh, 10-8 (tiebreak), 3-4 mini set. 

On thursday morning (pic 2): 6-1 (op vs rhm-gtt), 6-4 (mk vs rhm-gtt), 4-6 (mk vs wwn-op). Played with T100 and TR96 with not fresh balls.

On friday (no pic): 2-7 (dd vs fh-ar) T100, and 7-5 (ar vs fh-dd) TR96. TR96 played well with new balls, better control. Got an ace from using TR96 down the T vs Fh. 


Sunday, September 17, 2023

Weekend update 2nd and 3rd week September 2023

This is for last weekend and this weekend.

Last weekend: played on friday and saturday. Friday played 2 sets with TR96, played well with that racquet. On Saturday the next day played about 4 sets mostly with T100-2. I thought the TR96 would be better but on that outdoor court need extra power and better with T100.

This weekend: played once on sunday only. Played 2 grueling sets, 4-6 (iwn vs mk-dk) and 6-4 (kk vs dd-mr/mk). Both played with T100-2. On the second set, we lead 4-2 but an opponent retired and replaced with other player. The pace until 4-2 were great, very fast pace balls. T100-2 kept control but needed to straighten the string everytime, though not far.


Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Weekend update 1st week September: T100

 Played on Saturday for tough 3 sets all with T100-1 and T100-2. 1st set 6-4 (Rml vs Ad-Rsy), 2nd set 5-6 (Iwn vs Mur-Rsy) and then last set 6-4 (Kk vs Hrm-End).

Overall, T100 has good control and power.

Pic: me, endr, murt, kk, iwn, hrm, rml, msm, miko, ad, rsy, opa

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Weekend update: 2nd week Aug 2023: TR96, WUT

Played two times: Wednesday independence day and on Sunday.

On Wednesday in KBI mixed doubles and singles: 2-6 TR96-2 (an vs rd-rt), 6-2 WUT (rt vs an-dd), 6-2 WUT (rd vs rt-dd), tie breaks vs rd: 6-10 WUT, 4-6 WUT, 6-4 TR96, strong doubles: 6-3 (ds vs rd-rs).

On Sunday played once with TR96-1 5-6 (hr vs kk-ms). Playing against kk is always tough.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Weekend update: 2nd week Aug 2023: TR96-2

Played tennis on Friday with newly strung TR96 L3 with s-gut at 48lbs. The sets were: 3-7 with T100-1 (Ar vs Ad-Fh), 5-7 with TR96 (Hn vs Ad-Dd), and 7-1 with TR96 (Ad vs Ar-Fh). TR96 played well controlled but slight wrist sore the next day.

Played tennis with TLC on Tuesday, 4 mini sets: 4-1 (... vs Joh-...), 3-4 (Joh vs Kk-Grd), 4-1 (Df vs Erc-Joh), 4-2 (Dn vs Ad-Df). All with TR96-2 new string felt good (control and spin). Hit out with CX16 but hard to control with old sgut.

Played mini soccer on Sunday, played once for 15 mins and lost 0-1.

Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Weekend update: 1st week Aug 2023: TR96, RadOS, T100

 Played on Sunday only for fun game and internal tournament. Start with the internal tournament won 6-2 (hsn vs hrmn-shr) with RadOS and T100. Then a fun game lost 3-6 with RadOS and TR96 (hsn vs iwn-edr). The TR96 is so plush just cant beat the feeling. RadOS just nice for warmup but can be hard to control, T100 is always consistent.

Strung TR96-L3 with gamma syngut at 48lbs, have to wait 4 days for it due to high stringing job.

Pic: iwn, edr, me, hsn, ros, wwn, hrm, opa, kk, dn, newguy.

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Weekend update Jul 28, 31, Aug 3: T100, TR96

 Played two times: Friday and Monday (and Thursday). 

On Friday played 3 sets: 4-7 (Fh vs Ar-Ad), 7-6 (Dj vs Fh-Dd), and 3-7 (Hn vs Ad-Ar). All with T100-1 leather grip and 2 overgrips. 

On Monday with MT played three sets 6-1, 8-1, 8-1 (Br vs couple Dms-Ezrn) with TR96. 

On Thursday with TLC played 5 mini sets 4-2 with TR (Kkh vs Ift-Rzk), 4-2 with TR (Mlk vs Erc-Kkh), 1-4 with TR (Rzk vs Kk-Fz), 4-2 with T100 (Kk vs Ad-Yo), and then 4-2 with TR (Kkh vs Rzk-Mlk)

The TR96 is the grip 2 with original grip and 2 overgrips. The racquet felt soft and buttery.   

Pic: Yo, Kkh, Erc, Kk, Fz, Mlk, Ad, Ift, not in pic: Rzk, Ali

Monday, July 24, 2023

Weekend update: Jul 21, 23, 24: TR96, T100, WUT

 Played two times on Friday, Sunday, and Monday.

On Friday, played 3 sets. First set with WUT 7-4 (Ar vs Hr-Dd) then second 6-7 (Ar vs Ad-Dd) and third 4-7 with same players, both with TR96. The TR96 grip felt small and a bit of wrist pain.

On Sunday morning played 1 set only, a loss 0-6 with T100-2 (Rmt vs Iwn-Wwn). The opponents were all playing my partner which is the weakest. Lesson learned is that may need different strategy but thought that the pairing were unfair. Plus the morning Sunday session is a bit too crowded.

On Monday with MT, played 4 sets, first 3 sets on not so bright lighting court: 5-5 after leading 4-2 (tr vs br-erc) with T100 against stronger opponents, 6-3 (br vs tr-ag) with T100 against slightly weaker opponent, 8-4 (tr vs br-ag) with T100, and then 1-4 with TR96 against same opponents. 

In summary, I played better with T100 and the grip felt smaller now maybe due to slightly wrist pain, the bigger grip with double overgrip is easier to hold. Also, the TR96 grip is rounder compare to prince and dunlop grip. 

Monday, July 17, 2023

Weekend update 14, 16 Jul 2023: TR96, T100, CX16

 Played on Friday for 2 sets. 6-3 and 6-6 (both with Hr vs Ad-Dd) with TR96. Hit out with CX16 but for some reason or due to string movement the shots sometime went flat out.

Played on Sunday for 2 sets as well. 3-6 (Hr vs Dd-Dk) with TR96 and then T100, and 6-5 (Mk vs Ia-En) with T100. T100 on rought outdoor surface was easier due to naturally higher bounce and bigger sweetspot. 

Overall, TR96 slice sometimes went flat. It still is comparable with T100 that is so easy to play with. 

TR96 pros: forehand, serve, backhand, control, power, put away; cons: flat slice, need lead.

T100 pros: forehand, backhand, control, defending, kick serve; cons: too much power, lead helps.

Pic below: Hr, Dk, En, Bd, Ms, Ht, Ia, Rm, Rs, Ad, Rm, me, Dn, Mr

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Weekend update: MT Jul 3, Senayan Jul 7, MT Jul 10: CX16, F3T, TR96

Played with MT 4-3 (jet vs dns-brt), 3-6 (brt vs frm-dns), 6-3 (dns vs jtr-brt), and 6-3 (brt vs jtr-dns). All played with TR96 except 1st set and trailed 0-2 with CX16. CX16 is good for hit out but very low powered for serving, had many double faults.

Played on friday at senayan, 7-3 (frh vs ar-hrn), 3-7 (dd vs ar-frh), all with TR96. Brought F3T for hitting out but not for play.

Played on moday with MT, 8-6 TR96 (btg vs iwn-erk), 6-3 CX16/TR96 (jtr vs btg-erk),  4-6 TR96 (erk vs jtr-btg). Hitting out with CX16. Played with CX16 but still no power on serve, and string felt too loose especially the gap after hitting. More confident at play with TR96, bigger sweetspot.

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Central Java Road Trip: Wonosobo, Dieng, Cirebon

 Went for a road trip last week: Friday - Sunday. Total of about 1060 km. 


Jakarta 8am full tank, rest area km56, exit at Weleri km190, lunch at Sukurejo at Warung Makan Mbah Trie, stopped by Waroeng Djoglo after Parakan, arrived in Wonosobo around 630pm, dinner in Mie Ongklok, then to Cinnamon hotel.


To Dieng around 8am, arrived around 930am, visit Arjuna temples, with guide AAR Wijaya, jeep tour around Dieng until 3pm, the to Wonosobo, dinner at Lia hotel and restaurant, arrived in Alam Manis Cirebon at 1130pm.


Breakfast at hotel, lunch in Cirebon, shop at Salma store, head back to Jakarta, arrived around 8pm. The rest areas were full.

Monday, July 03, 2023

Weekend update June 4th week: TR960, CX16

 Played tennis twice on Friday, Sunday and Thursday, which was a religious holiday, mostly with TR960.

The TR960 now had leather grip for better palming. With the leather grip and total lead of 3g, the racquet felt solid. Feels like combination of CS200T(control), PS97(power), and T100(spin). The string pattern is very similar with T100. 

On Friday, played 3 times, win 2 sets against Ad-Dd playing with Fh. Leading 4-3 with Hn vs Ad-Ar, before replaced by Fh vs same opponents, lost 1-3. All played with TR960.

On Sunday, played two times, both loss, same partner (wwn) against hnd-hrm 2-6, and hry-iwn 4-6. The opponents were stronger.

On Thursday, which was a religious holiday, played with Rsd for a hitting session a tie-break 10 for a score of 10-6 from as tight as 6-5. Posted the hit session in YT, hit 2 times forehand spin to net, wonder if hit to close to rim. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Weekend update June 3rd week 2023: TR960, WUT, AG3

Played tennis two times: Friday and Wednesday.

Friday: played first time with TR16 (TR960 16x19) strung with gamma syngut at 50lbs. Bought also AG300 but felt hollow and chunky due to leaded up. Played 3 sets and mostly were using TR16, the sets were: 3-7 (Ar vs Dj-Ad), 7-4 (Ar vs Dj-Hn), and 6-5 (Hn vs Dj-Ad). In summary, the TR16 score is good overall. 

Wednesday: played in garuda at night with TLC, brought TR16 and WUT. Hitting out with WUT but felt too low power. Played against Kk (a regular at sat/sun morning), a powerful young player. The results were 2-4 (bl vs kk-dk), 2-3 (dk vs kk-ift), 4-3 (andr vs ad-bl), and 4-2 (ift vs kk-andr). First 2 losses and last win was against Kk. Overall, the TR16 with original felt mushy but will try it first.

Pic: top: eric, gorda, bili, adi, clara, kiki, dika, bottom: andra, iffat, daus, me

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Weekend update 2nd week June 2023

Played tennis once and ran in 5k race.

Tennis on saturday 3 sets: 2-6 T100 (Hr vs Wwn-Pjd), 6-2 CX16 (Iwn vs Hr-Pjd), and 4-4 CX16 (Hrm vs Hr-Hd). The CX16 is was easier control than T100 due to lower launch angle but less power, got a backhand shot to the net.

Ran 5k for sub 45 minutes at Lazada Run. Spouse ran around 55 minutes.

Also bought Artengo TR960 a while ago but never string it and just strung it yesterday with gamma syngut at 50lbs and felt great. Check the video at YT.

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Weekend udpate: 1st week June 2023

 Played on two days last week, Thursday morning (a national holiday) and on Friday night. 

On Thursday played 3 doubles sets: 6-4 (ny vs mk-wwn), 6-3 (mk vs ed-ny), and 3-6 (iwn vs mr-gtt). Played all sets with A98. Brought T100 but not used.

On Friday night played 3 sets as well: 7-4 (dj vs ar-dd), 6-7 (dj vs fh-dd), and 7-4 (dj vs fh-dd). Played first 2 sets with T100-2 and then A98.

On the two days, served with more front load after watching Bryan bros videos where they are more serve and volley type.


Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Weekend update May 4th week 2023: A98

 Played one time Friday night, brought MW100 and A98 for hitting out but played with A98 for the two sets. Loss both sets and a tie 4-7 (Dj vs Fh-Dd), 3-3 (Ar vs Fh-Dd), 3-6 (Ar vs Fh-Hr).  

The A98 now has no lead, the only customization is a leather grip and overgrip and dampener. It swings a bit faster, but not as stable as with lead but I think this is a good setup, no arm pain. No as powerful as T100 but better control and swings longer.

On Sunday drop by the court for birthday celebration before heading to Anyer.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Weekend update: 3rd week 2023: A98, T100, WUT

 Played tennis three times this weekend.

Thursday holiday: played 3 sets: loss (rhm vs hr-mk), win (rml vs mk-dn), win (rml/hry vs mk-dn). Mostly played with T100-2.

Friday: played 4 sets: win (hrn vs dd-ary), win (ary vs hrn-dd), win (frh vs hrn-ary), loss (dd vs hrn-frh). Mostly played with WUT. 

Sunday : played 2 sets: win (iwn vs rhm-ian), loss (pnj vs dd-nym). Mostly played with T100-1.

Still have not found a good setup for A98. The A98 is definitely different compare to T100 where so easy to generate topspin. A98 more flat and tend to float when you wrist it for topspin. The topspin from T100 makes it more reliable.

Pic 1: me, rsd, ddn, hry, rhm, mk, rml, dn, dd

Pic 2: rhm, ian, me, pnj, rml, ade nym, dd, dd, iwn

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Weekend update: May 2nd week: A98, T100, F3T, CX16

 Played two times this weekend: on Friday night and Sunday morning.

Friday night with CAP: 3-7 (Hrn vs Ad-Dd) with A98, 7-6 (Frh vs Ad-Dd) with F3T, 3-7 (Frh vs Ad-Dd) with A98, and last 7-3 (Frh vs Ad-Dd). The A98 for indoor is a bit power so had to dial down while F3T is a players racquet. 

Sunday morning with the regular: 2-6 (Dn vs Fs-Ms) with A98, 6-3 (Ia vs Iwn-Hrm) with T100, 6-5 (Dn vs Dd-Hsn) with T100 (start with CX16). T100 was as usual fit the outdoor hard court, while A98 is sort of in between, CX16 just a nice players racquet but tougher for doubles.

Technique: the new tech fits well.  

Bought new football shoes, mizuno red and it has k-leather forefoot.

Pic: Dd, Dn, Ad, Ian, Mur, Punj, Rml, Iwn, Ms, me, Iwn, Faisl.

Monday, May 08, 2023

Weekend update May 2023: T100, WUT

Played once this weekend on Saturday, bringing along WUT and T100. Figured going to test new forehand technique after watched Rick Macci video below.

First set 3-6 (Hr vs Iwn-Kk) with T100, then 6-2 (Hsn vs Iwn-Dn) with WUT, and last 6-4 (Hr vs Dn-Hsn) with WUT then T100. 

Tried new forehand starting on 2nd set and results were: WUT: easier and more consistent but still low clearance ball; T100: better consistency but still high net clearance.

On saturday night played mini soccer and will post picture here. Played DM and I think I played well.


Pic 1: Hr, Ad, Hsn, Rm, Hm, coach, me, Dn, Iwn

Pic: Rm, Ak, Dmr, me, team members

Thursday, May 04, 2023

Weekend update: April 24 and 30: T100 and A98

Played 2 times after Eid: monday 4/24 and sunday 4/30.

On monday played 3 times bringing T100 and A98: 3-6 (Iwn vs Hr-Kk) T100, 6-0 (Hr vs Rm-Hm) T100, and 3-6 (Hr vs Kk-Iwn) A98, T100. 

On Sunday played 3 times as well, 3-6 (Ny vs Iw-Mk) T100, 3-6 (Mk vs Iw-Kk) T100, and 6-3 (Kk vs Iw-Mk) A98. 

 Pic (4/30): me, hr, rh, hm, ny, mk, kk, iwn

Monday, April 17, 2023

Weekend update April 3rd: TT100, A98

Played on Sunday for a set and 4 sets on Monday. 

On Sunday won 6-4 with A98 with partner Whyd against Dn-Hrm. Dn said afterward that my shot were pretty heavy. Played around 4pm before iftar.

On Monday with MT 4 sets were 4-6, 6-3, 5-6, 8-2. 1st 2 sets with A98 while last 2 sets with T100-2. Two players have advance forehand and serve while the rest with one strong intermediate and two start intermediate. The T100 is much easier to use for more power and A98 felt softer.

Pic: dyt, whyd, rchm, rml, mrt, mk, iwn, me, hrmn, dn


Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Car remote battery

 This morning, i could not open the car lock, the remote seemed to loss power. I then grabbed the spare remote but the car lock still wont open. From my experience if i open the door with manual key it would trigger the car alarm. So tried with the key and it finally opened. Drove to office, then when I was about to turn the car on to fold the outside mirror, it would not start, i had to put the key close to the start switch to turn it on. I later change both the keys in a near workshop and now they both works. I noticed that it had been awhile that the blue ignition key indicator in dash had been flashing meaning that the key is not detected closely.


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Weekend update April 3rd week: F3T and ATS98

 Played with MT on Monday, brought Dunlop Biomimetic F 3.0 Tour (F3T) and Prince Textreme Tour ATS 98 (A98). There were six of us, 4 intermediate and 2 advance beginner. Against weaker opponent, I used F3T and stronger with A98. We also played with same team, first set lost 0-4 but then 4-3 on the second set.

The F3T has new setup with lead at 10 and 2 and thinner leather grip, it felt better than before. The slices were dirty. Had also a session where my partner borrowed my A98 and his ball landed shorter then mine with F3T. I can say that it is in the same category as WUT/WUP but maybe not as boardie.

Also received new Art TR960 control tour 16x19 this week and cant wait to try it. Should be in the same category as A98 but with a lower swing weight.

Sunday, April 02, 2023

Weekend update April 1st week 2023: WUT, A98

 Played on Friday at LTA joining TK community. The players were 3-3.5 NTRP level. 4 wins and 2 loss, the loss were due to partner playing level. Played most of the games with WUT or A98 depending on opponents. The court at night pretty tough due to level of lights from other courts. The balls we used were either old or practice balls, which is tough on any racquet, the control is better with WUT but power is better with A98.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Weekend update March 3rd week: WUT, CX16

Played on Monday with MT for 6 mini sets (up to 4 with only 1 or no deuce), brought my WUT and CX 200 Tour 16x19. Does not played too well because had something on my mind. The sets were:

- 1-4 (Erc vs Brt-Ck) WUT
- 4-2 (Brt vs Jnt-Dck) WUT
- 4-2 (Ck vs Erc-Jnt) WUT
- 4-3 (Erc vs Jnt-Dck) WUT
- 4-0 (Brt vs Jnt-Erc) CX16
- 0-4 (Dck vs Brt-Jck) CX16 

It still is hard to play with WUT but just such a point and shoot with the string line up. The CX16 is so comfortable a bit uncontrollable at times. The highlight would be the 4th match where we were trailing 1-3 but managed to get a win with last game breaking opponents serve.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Weekend update March 2023 2nd week: WUT, T100, CX18, 4DT

Played on Friday just for 2 sets: 7-3, 5-6. Played all with WUT, felt good. Partner with Fh vs Hr-Dd. Just modified the lead and felt good. Missing some easy volleys to net. Serves were good, need to strike long for groundstrokes.

Played again on Monday with MT for 5 mini sets, brough my CX 200 Tour 18x20 and 4D Aerogel 300 Tour. The sets are:
- 3-4 (Brt vs Ast-Dck) CX 18
- 4-3 (tie 7-3) (Brt vs Alf-Jnh) CX 18
- 4-1 (Brt vs Ast-Dck) CX 18
- 4-2 (Brt vs Ast-Lkm) 4DT
- 4-5 (tie 4-10) (Brt vs Ast-Dck) 4DT

Partner Ast-Dck is a strong intermediate who can rally very well, they both played with PS97.

Overall, the 4DT is powerful than CX18 but less control. WUT is still the most demanding. Backhand is easier with CX18.