I rarely bounce the ball before serving, until very recently. Maybe before, I dont really good at bouncing the ball, I would rather hit the ball with the racquet to the court several times before tossing it. But few weeks ago, I played on a granite court, which was strange to me because the surface was not flat, so I bounced the balls couple of times to get the feel of the court. I think the idea was good that it forces you to check the bounciness of the court. But, then I get the second benefit from bouncing the ball, which will be explain next. I modeled my serve on Federer serve because 1st, I dont move me back foot when serving and 2nd, it is in between flat and kick serve. The next puzzle, I learn was that you need relax shoulders before tossing the ball and bouncing the ball helps that. You kind of need to bounce the ball, relax your shoulders by hunching them a bit and then open up when tossing the ball. It definitely helps to hit the ball by the sweet spot.