Monday, February 24, 2025

Weekend update: 4th week Feb 2025: PSVS, T100-3

 Played on Saturday and Sunday before Ramadan next week. Saturday was a wet day, tried the PSVS with 50lbs gamma syngut. The power was good and flat compare to T100. 4-3 Ad vs Bd-Dn, 2-2 Ny vs Iw-Bd, 3-0 En vs Bd-Iw, 6-3 Iw vs En-Bd. PSVS was stable on volleys.

On Sunday with T100, tried PSVS but the power were lower than T100: 6-2 Dv vs Rh-Dn. 3-6 (0-4) Ad vs Bd-Dn. 5-5 (1-4) Dn vs Mk-Bd. The existing HG a bit uncontrolled but still playable with good power (no arm issue).


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Weekend update: 2nd week Feb 2025: T100h

Played on Sunday for 2 sets: 6-2 dv vs rh-gt, 6-3 dv vs hr-gt. 

Watched a video of gasquet forehand and got inspired to try it and worked well, felt can produce heavy ball.

Sunday, February 09, 2025

Weekend update 2nd week Feb 2025: T100w

Played 3 sets on Sunday all with T100h: 2-6 hr vs dv-ed on wet surface, 6-5 (5-5) dv vs ad-bd on control, 3-8 (2-2) dn vs bn-bd good matchup.

Cut out T100w and string already stiff. 

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

ILTL inter match 1,2,3,4: T100h, T100w, TR960CT

 Played 1st ladder league inter match with Anto, ex bostonian. Unintentionally in same ladder league. Warmed up with T100h and then changed to T100w after few game points. Score: 6-4, 6-1. Lots of unforced error in first few games.

2nd ladder league match loss 4-6, 2-6. Opponent Rendrian have great shots on both backhand and forehand but especially backhand. Use T100w, good control but wrist and shoulder sore afterward and put OOT. There was also hindrance from someone smoking and watching in the court.

3rd ladder league match win 8-6 (5-6) pro set with deuce. The opponent Billy can produce good overall serve, backhand, two handed backhand, slice, volley but lack consistency. I had to ramp up focus after trailing 5-6. Tried 2 games with TR960CT but loss both games. Played with newly strung T100-2 with hyperG at 42lbs.

4th ladder league match win 6-3 (3-0), 6-4 (2-2). Opponent Dipta played well, good forehand and backhand. The home court condition helps but I still need to push to attack him. Played with T100-2, some balls sprayed but overall good power and spin.

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Weekend update: 1st week Feb 2025: T100h, T100w

 Played 2 days this weekend. 

On Saturday: 3-6, 3-6 keke vs kiki-budi. T100h.

On Sunday: 6-2 nyoman vs hari-yusuf T100h, 4-6 (1-4) dudi vs nyoman-ade T100w. 

Will play single ILTL on Monday.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Weekend update: 4th week Jan 2025: W107, T100h

 Played two sets on saturday before heading to bandung the next day for a night. The sets were: 1-6 hr vs kk-taher (a beginner) W107 then against tough opponents 4-6 (4-4) hr vs ed-bn T100h.

Using W107 is so easy but less control and very spinny, cant flattened the ball.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Weekend update: 3rd week Januari 2023: T100h W107

 Played only on Sunday due to rain: 5-6 (2-6 3-0) T100h Ad vs Bd-Mk - started bad with opponent attacking early but then started better; 5-5 (1-3) W107 Hr vs Rm-Ys - played easy with opponent attacking my partner but overall solid controlled set

Joined ILT intermediate with given rating 1400 and spot 17 with total participant around 50s.